Tuesday, September 21, 2010

1000 excellent for trainee accountant who in jeopardy to blow up airfield on Twitter


A trainee accountant who posted a summary on the micro-blogging website Twitter melancholy to blow up an airfield was yesterday convicted and fined �1,000.

Paul Chambers, 26, sent the twitter to his 600 supporters after finding that Doncasters Robin Hood Airport, from where he was due to fly to Ireland, had been sealed by snowfall.

The short message, posted on 6 January, read: "Crap! Robin Hood Airport is closed. You"ve got a week and a bit to get your shit together, differently I"m floating the airfield sky high!"

Chambers told the justice it was sent in frustration, but the decider at Doncaster Magistrates Court pronounced the twitter was "of a ominous inlet in the context of the times we live in". The justice was told that Chambers had been due to fly to Ireland to revisit a lady he had met on Twitter, and sent the summary when he realised his plans could be jeopardised by the weather. He pronounced he did not realize that it could be seen by any one alternative than his followers.

But it was speckled by Shaun Duffield, the off-duty physical education instructor at the airport. He alerted an airfield security physical education instructor Steven Armson who pronounced that, nonetheless he graded the hazard as "non-credible", he had no choice but to pass it to the police. Chambers was asked if he accepted the airfield had to take threats seriously, whatever the context. He replied: "I do now. I apologize for whatever consequences have happened, but at the time that was not my goal at all. It did not cranky my mind that Robin Hood would ever see at Twitter or take it severely since it was harmless hyperbole."

Richard Haigh, defending, told the justice the twitter about the airfield had to be seen in the context of the denunciation and styles of the amicable networking world. Mr Haigh described it as a "Fawltyesque" outburst. He pronounced the summary could presumably be seen as "immature", "tasteless" or "unacceptable", but not criminal. Chambers was found guilty of promulgation a ominous electronic information exchnage and systematic to compensate a �385 fine, a �15 victims surcharge and �600 costs. He pronounced he plans to appeal.

Last night the box was being at large discussed on Twitter. The lady Chambers had been drifting to encounter posted a summary observant that the self-assurance meant he was no longer means to validate as an accountant. Meanwhile, the stand up comic Stephen Fry offering to compensate Chambers" excellent for him.


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