Monday, July 26, 2010

Mother begs Pakistan kidnappers: Hes only a small child greatfully dont harm him (includes video)

Russell Jenkins and Zahid Hussain, Islamabad , : {}

The mom of a five-year-old British kid abducted at gunpoint in Pakistan has done an ardent defence to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to save her son as the kidnappers overpower raises fears for his safety.

Akila Naqqash, 31, outlayed a excited night examination home movies of her son, Sahil, at the familys patio home in Shaw, Oldham, and the aria is commencement to show.

She said: I need the assistance of the Government in the UK. They have not responded to us about what theatre they are at, and how they are going to assistance us. I wish them to do something. He contingency be frightened now. I am pleading. Please only assistance us, please, please. He has never been but me before.

The Foreign Office pronounced that it was you do all in the energy and liaising with Pakistani authorities by consular officials. We are in hold with the family and on condition that each await we can, a orator said. It would not be obliged of me to contend as well most in open about what is function in the investigation.

Related LinksMother begs: greatfully dont harm my small son Analysis: a abounding industry in PakistanKidnappers direct 100,000 for British kid

Pakistani police, who progressing referred to that the event would be over inside of twenty-four hours, right away crop up less confident. They contend that they were still creation poignant swell in tracking down the kidnappers, who struck as Raja Naqqash Saeed, 28, Sahils father, was loading suitcases in to a cab outward the family home in Jhelum, Punjab, ready for the moody home.

The raiders subjected the family to up to 6 hours of woe prior to snatching the youngster and perfectionist a 100,000 ransom.

Police have incarcerated multiform suspects, together with the cab motorist who took the kidnappers to the familys door. Officers are tracing calls done by the kidnappers on stolen mobile phones but their stability overpower is connected with officials.

Early in the day Raja Tahir Bashir, a comparison military central in Jehlum, said: We are shutting in on them. God willing, we will redeem the kid really soon.

But in the dusk Muhammad Aslam Tareen, Additional Inspector-General of Police for the Rawalpindi region, said: Maybe in a couple of days we are perplexing to get to fix up them. Still we have no idea about the kid and the culprits . . . The hype has combined most hitches in the investigations.

Yesterday radio vans outward the Oldham house, in a standard travel of stone-clad terraces, retreated to a some-more deferential distance.

At midday the men of the family attended the Mohammedia Masjid, their nearest mosque, where they listened the imam reject Sahils kidnap as a crime opposite God and direct his protected return.

Mrs Naqqash spoke about the outcome of the wait for on her daughters, Anisha, 4, and Hafsah, who is twenty-one months old. His small sisters are blank him so much, she said. They are asking, Where is Sahil?. They keep saying cinema of him on television. What can I insist to them? They contend Oh, there is Sahil, when is he entrance back, Mummy?.

The youngest one blows him kisses on the television. I discuss it them: He is on the plane. He is going to come behind shortly and move you a little sweets.

Sahils family is well well known in the town. Mrs Naqqash functions in an Iceland store and alternative family members run Poundbusters in the main selling street.

Abdul Rahim, 45, a Bangladeshi, pronounced that the total village was ancillary Sahils family either Christian, Muslim or Hindus. We are all human beings, he said.

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